

  Other application overviews: [Server-Overview] [PPP - Web-Application INFO] [PPP - Environment Production (Linux) - PROD]

  Last ping (health-check) of application on INT/Test was successful. Testing is possible (but maybe not all features, if one of the dependencies is not working).
  Last ping (health-check) of application on INT/Test was not successful. Testing is most likely not possible (or only some features).
  The application is on INT/Test not deployed (or status not yet updated)
  Status unknown.

- For question regarding the system-status or for deployment requests, please contact: [PPP-Deployment (PPP-Platform Team)] - Test-Sessions (MSS/PPP) can be created [here]

  Last update applications: [2023-03-22], status: [2024-09-30][08:24]

PPP Applications without login

PPP - TV Application (Sender-Liste, Videothek...) No note [Enter - INT/Test] [Enter - PROD/Live]
PPP - TV Station/Sender-Liste No note [Enter - INT/Test] [Enter - PROD/Live]
PPP - TV Videos/Videothek No note [Enter - INT/Test] [Enter - PROD/Live]
PPP - TV Videos/Videothek Highlights for CMS No note [Enter - INT/Test] [Enter - PROD/Live]
PPP - A1 TV Migration Page (Migrate TV) No note [Enter - INT/Test] [Enter - PROD/Live]
PPP - Internet Tools No note [Enter - INT/Test] [Enter - PROD/Live]
PPP - Track'n'Trace (Auftrags-Status Abfrage) No note [Enter - INT/Test] [Enter - PROD/Live]
PPP - Track'n'Trace (Auftrags-Status Abfrage) - CCA UI No note [Enter - INT/Test] [Enter - PROD/Live]
PPP - Track'n'Trace - Handy Reparatur Status No note [Enter - INT/Test] [Enter - PROD/Live]
PPP - Vorwahlen Suche - Partner Layout No note [Enter - INT/Test] [Enter - PROD/Live]
PPP - Vorwahlen Suche - CCA Layout No note [Enter - INT/Test] [Enter - PROD/Live]
PPP - Vorwahlen Suche - A1TA Layout No note [Enter - INT/Test] [Enter - PROD/Live]
PPP - Meine Angebote (Offer/NBO/NLC) Preview No note [Enter - INT/Test] [Enter - PROD/Live]
PPP - Meine Angebote (Offer/NBO/NLC) Force IP No note [Enter - INT/Test] [Enter - PROD/Live]
PPP - Cost/Charge Hint (KoBeV Landingpage 'Fixedline Mobil') No note [Enter - INT/Test] [Enter - PROD/Live]
PPP - A1 Registrierung No note [Enter - INT/Test] [Enter - PROD/Live]
PPP - A1 Benutzerdaten vergessen (UDR) No note [Enter - INT/Test] [Enter - PROD/Live]
PPP - DDA (Direct Debit Authorization - Einzugsermächtigung neu) - Bank Account Check No note [Enter - INT/Test] [Enter - PROD/Live]
PPP - BIR (Better incident reporting - Störungen) No note [Enter - INT/Test] [Enter - PROD/Live]
PPP - FOO (Fixed Option Order) No note [Enter - INT/Test] [Enter - PROD/Live]
PPP - Online Infrastructure Request (OIR) - INTERN No note [Enter - INT/Test] [Enter - PROD/Live]
PPP - Online Infrastructure Request (OIR) - EXTERN No note [Enter - INT/Test] [Enter - PROD/Live]
PPP - Auth (Login NT-User intern) No note [Enter - INT/Test] [Enter - PROD/Live]
PPP - Ext Auth (Login NT-User extern) No note [Enter - INT/Test] [Enter - PROD/Live]
PPP - OAN Landing Page Incidents (Störungen) Token required for login [Enter - INT/Test] [Enter - PROD/Live]
PPP - Util Service (REST Services) No note [Enter - INT/Test] [Enter - PROD/Live]

PPP Applications (login required)

PPP - Mein A1 No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - Mein A1 (Dropbox Enter) No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - Telefon Einstellung und Komfortbox (Festnetz) No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - Meine Angebote (Offer/NBO/NLC) No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - Glasfaser Power Opt-Out No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - Phonebook Entry Manager No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - Mobile Optionen No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - Mobile Tarife No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - A1 Benutzerdaten (UDM) No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - A1 Password Recovery (UDR) No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - CSC Login Settings (LoSe) No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - DDA (Direct Debit Authorization - Einzugsermächtigung neu) No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - RIO (Roaming Info Online) - Standalone No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - CSC Mobile Subscription Management Rufnummernsperre No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - CSC Mobile Subscription Management Mehrwertdienstsperre No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - SSC (SIM-Karten Tausch) No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - VAS (Value Added services) No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - BHWR (Business Hardware Replacement CSC) No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - Terminate contract (per eMail) No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration MSS Login - INT/Test - NA [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - Ring-Back Tone No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration MSS Login - INT/Test - NA [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - EPS (Online zahlen) No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - VLP (Voucher Landing Page) No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - CNI (Call Number Import) No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - IDY (Customer Identification) No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - DPD (DNS Protection Dashboard) No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - DZR (Deezer Activation FE) No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - PPINFO (PrePaid Information) No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - bob BOX configuration No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration MSS Login - INT/Test - NA [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - bob Kuendigung Storno No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration MSS Login - INT/Test - NA [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - bob Name Change No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration MSS Login - INT/Test - NA [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - Vitamin bob No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration MSS Login - INT/Test - NA [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - bob VAS (Value Added Services) No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration MSS Login - INT/Test - NA [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - bob SSC (Switch Sim-Card) No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration MSS Login - INT/Test - NA [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - bob SDM (Standard Data Management) No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration MSS Login - INT/Test - NA [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - bob DoC (Declaration of consent) No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration MSS Login - INT/Test - NA [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - bob RIO (Roaming Info Online) No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration MSS Login - INT/Test - NA [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - bob Direct Debit Administration No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration MSS Login - INT/Test - NA [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - bob KKW (Kunden Kennwort Warten) No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration MSS Login - INT/Test - NA [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - bob start (Mein bob) No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration MSS Login - INT/Test - NA [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - bob MNP No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration MSS Login - INT/Test - NA [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - bob Contact No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration MSS Login - INT/Test - NA [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - SDM (Standard Data Management) No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - SDM (Standard Data Management) - DoC/GDPR Stand-alone No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - ADM (Data Management) No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - DoC (GDPR) No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - PCC (Pre-paid/bfree comfort charge) No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - MVB (Mobile Voice Butler) No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - NWQF (Network Quality Feedback - Netzgarantie) No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - Address Book No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - Kosten-Kontrolle No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - Mobil-Box No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - Landing page for declaration of consent No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - Mobile Sicherheit No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - Multiring and Call Forwarding No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - Selfcare application for set-top box No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - Solvit FE No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - Mobile Points Exchange No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - Account Selection Service No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - Password Harmonization No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - Prepaid Registration (Customer) No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]

PPP - CSC-INT (CSC Internet)

PPP - CSC-INT Einzelentgeltnachweis Internet (EEN Internet) No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - CSC-INT Einzelentgeltnachweis aonMobile (EEN aonMobil) No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - CSC-INT Online Statistik Internet No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - CSC-INT Video Statistik No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - CSC-INT E-Mail-Postfächer verwalten (E-Mail Manager) No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - CSC-INT Webspace verwalten (Webspace Manager) No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - CSC-INT aonMobil SIM-Karte verwalten/aktivieren No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - CSC-INT PUK aktivieren No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - CSC-INT aonMobil Add-Ons abmelden No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - CSC-INT Glasfaser Power abmelden No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - CSC-INT TV Add-Ons abmelden No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - CSC-INT Online Festplatte abmelden No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - CSC-INT Security Paket abmelden No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - CSC-INT Internet Autologin verwalten No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - CSC-INT Internet Produktübersicht No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - CSC-INT Internet Passwort ändern (Modem) No note [ASMP Login] Target environment depends on test-proxy or local hosts configuration [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]

PPP CSC-BIZ (CSC Business)

PPP - CSC-BIZ Online-Statistik Übersicht No note [Enter - INT/Test] [Enter - PROD/Live]
PPP - CSC-BIZ Business Flex und Mobile No note [Enter - INT/Test] [Enter - PROD/Live]
PPP - CSC-BIZ Business Flex Software No note [Enter - INT/Test] [Enter - PROD/Live]
PPP - CSC-BIZ Business Internet Service-Übersicht No note [Enter - INT/Test] [Enter - PROD/Live]
PPP - CSC-BIZ Business Internet Kennwort ändern No note [Enter - INT/Test] [Enter - PROD/Live]
PPP - CSC-BIZ A1 Online Backup Business No note [Enter - INT/Test] [Enter - PROD/Live]
PPP - CSC-BIZ Einzelentgeltnachweis Business Mobile (EEN Mobile) No note [Enter - INT/Test] [Enter - PROD/Live]
PPP - CSC-BIZ Portöffnung No note [Enter - INT/Test] [Enter - PROD/Live]
PPP - MPLS VPN Client No note [Enter - INT/Test] [Enter - PROD/Live]

PPP Other applications

PPP - Partnercenter (Dachseite) No note [Enter - INT/Test] [Enter - PROD/Live]
PPP - Guided Selling Enter erfolgt ü Partner-Center Kachel Guided Selling [Enter - INT/Test] [Enter - PROD/Live]
PPP - SAS (Sales Assistant) No note [Enter - INT/Test] [Enter - PROD/Live]
PPP - Prepaid Registration (POS) No note [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - Prepaid Registration Event Control (POS) No note [MSS Login - INT/Test] [MSS Create Session - INT/Test]
PPP - OPC (Offering Product Catalog) No note [Enter - INT/Test] [Enter - PROD/Live]
PPP - OMC (Order Managment Cockpit) No note
Business Interaction ID: Business Interaction Item ID:
Business Interaction ID: Business Interaction Item ID:
PPP - LMS (Lead Management System) Replacement for VSS (VSS NG) [Enter - INT/Test] [Enter - PROD/Live]
PPP - CPI (Customer Product Inventory) FE No note [Enter - INT/Test] [Enter - PROD/Live]
PPP - BMG (BridgeIT Maintenance GUI) No note [Enter - INT/Test] [Enter - PROD/Live]
PPP - EBIKE (KONCAM Cockpit) No note [Enter - INT/Test] [Enter - PROD/Live]
PPP - CBT (Campaign Briefing Tool - EBIKE NEW) No note [Enter - INT/Test] [Enter - PROD/Live]
PPP - OAN Point Of Present No note [Enter - INT/Test] [Enter - PROD/Live]
PPP - MOPA (Mobile Parking, HANDY Parken) No note [Enter - INT/Test] [Enter - PROD/Live]
PPP - Order Generator (Order Testung Utils) No note [Enter - INT/Test] Not deployed
