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Details /party/cdm

/party/cdm - PPP - Customer Data Management (CDM) - [Default template]
PPP INT target endpoint:
PPP E2E/KIT target endpoint:

Response ID Description Request-Include Template Model Content-Type Encoding
personSimple [parse] [view] Person
  • POST: getPartyRequest
  • POST: 106995567
  • postCode = 1000
application/xml utf-8
personSimpleNoBirthdate [parse] [view] Person date of birth not set
  • POST: getPartyRequest
  • POST: 101101101
  • postCode = 1000
application/xml utf-8
organizationSimple [parse] [view] Organization
  • POST: getPartyRequest
  • POST: 100125514
  • postCode = 1000
application/xml utf-8
organizationForeignCountry [parse] [view] Organization foreign country
  • POST: getPartyRequest
  • POST: 108322165
  • postCode = 1000
application/xml utf-8
publicAuthority [parse] [view] public authority
  • POST: getPartyRequest
  • POST: 103997348
  • postCode = 1000
application/xml utf-8
updateParty [parse] [view] Update party
  • POST: updatePartyRequest
application/xml utf-8
updatePartyNonLkms [parse] [view] Update party non lkms address
  • POST: updatePartyWithNonLKMSAddressRequest
application/xml utf-8